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Discover the 6 Issues that Mobile App Outsourcing Brings Benefits

Written by Andy Hilliard | Mar 1, 2024

How can outsourcing mobile app development fill the gaps that the industry’s talent pool is missing? If you haven’t looked lately, almost 9 million mobile applications are split between Apple’s app store and Google Play. Users have downloaded these apps more than 250 million times, showing how widely used they are in today’s world. 

Mobile app development is about more than developing games, creating retail opportunities, and exploring consumer interests: it’s big business. Corporations see the opportunity to outsource app development as a lower-cost alternative to traditional development for productivity tools in every industry, from nuclear power plant construction to the guy measuring for new flooring at your favorite big box store. The explosive growth of apps and the need for mobile app development have placed real stress on companies in terms of capacity, talent, and innovation.

Developing a high-quality, successful mobile app demands specialized expertise, significant resources, and rapid adaptability. Building an in-house mobile development team requires substantial investment. Recruitment costs, employee salaries, benefits, hardware, software licenses, and office space quickly accumulate. For many companies, outsourcing mobile app development presents a strategic advantage, unlocking benefits beyond the reach of an in-house team. You pay only for the specific development services you need, often at significantly lower rates due to global talent pools. Additionally, you avoid overhead costs associated with unused resources or underutilized talent when you outsource app development.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, speed is critical. Building an in-house team involves recruitment, training, and project planning, delaying the launch considerably. Outsourcing partners have pre-existing teams and established development processes, enabling quicker project initiation and accelerated development cycles. This rapid launch allows you to capitalize on market opportunities and capture user attention before competitors. Mobile app development outsourcing offers speed and efficiency at lower overall costs as well. 

We have seen a huge spike in demand for mobile app development as usage rises. Demand for app developers is predicted to increase from 17% to 24% by 2026. Qualified and available talent is only getting harder to find when it comes to developing mobile apps. That's a big issue, and one reason outsourcing mobile development has become a popular alternative. Companies of every size need mobile development skills and expertise now. Mobile app development outsourcing is becoming more popular as companies try to meet consumer demands and their needs. 

Mobile app development is now one of the most frequent requests in software development outsourcing. Offshore and nearshore software development companies are proving to be a trusted solution to meet the increasing demand for outsourcing mobile app development. Choosing the right mobile app development service can be a challenge for any company. 

The 6 Key Issues

The cautionary tales of outsourced app development disasters are enough to send chills down any entrepreneur's spine. Missed deadlines, ballooning budgets, buggy apps gathering dust in app stores, and security nightmares exposing sensitive data – such experiences can leave you scarred and hesitant. However, dismissing the need to outsource app development entirely would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. When approached strategically and diligently, application development outsourcing can unlock remarkable advantages, transforming it from a gamble into a well-calculated step toward success.

Think of it this way: building an in-house development team means juggling recruitment, training, managing infrastructure, and staying ahead of technology advancements – all while keeping operational costs in check. On the other hand, application development outsourcing grants you access to a pre-established pool of experienced talent equipped with the latest tools and expertise. Imagine tapping into a global network of developers readily available to dive into your project, armed with proven track records and diverse skill sets.

Risks exist, but a proactive approach to application development outsourcing mitigates them significantly. Conduct thorough research, vet potential partners rigorously, establish clear communication channels, and set realistic expectations. Remember, you choose the level of control and involvement. You can outsource the entire development process or specific components of your mobile application development, tailoring the partnership to your unique needs.

The benefits of a successful outsourcing to an app development company are substantial. Reduced costs, faster time-to-market, access to specialized skills, and the flexibility to scale your team on demand are just a few. Moreover, reputable, quality outsourcing partners and mobile app developers often excel in security protocols and data protection, offering peace of mind in a world rife with cyber threats.

Ultimately, outsourcing your mobile app development can be a smart decision, enabling you to focus on your core business while leveraging expertise unavailable in-house. By recognizing the potential pitfalls and taking an informed approach, you can transform outsourcing into a powerful tool for propelling your app and business forward. When done right, outsourcing mobile app development has far more upsides than downsides, making it a smart investment of time, effort, and resources.

1. UI/UX Design

Mobile app development requires both form and function. Customers and internal users expect mobile apps to deliver value and productivity on a small screen. Your mobile development team must be proficient at prioritizing which elements of your service or product are the most important.

Good design is about making a good impression and it is one of the top critics users have when it comes to any interface.

UX (User Experience) delves into the user's perspective, focusing on how they interact with and feel about your app. It encompasses everything from seamless navigation and intuitive features to clear information architecture and engaging content. A well-crafted UX empowers users to achieve their goals efficiently and enjoyably, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement. Make sure that the partner you want to use to outsource app development has an experienced UX team. 

UI (User Interface) translates the functional aspects of UX into an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly visual layer. This includes the app's layout, color scheme, typography, and visual elements. An effective UI prioritizes clarity, consistency, and intuitive interactions, ensuring effortless navigation and minimizing user frustration. Outsourcing app development allows you to tap into a greater range of UI talent and design experience for app experiences you may not have even considered.

Together, UX and UI form an inseparable duo. A beautiful but confusing interface (UI without strong UX) can alienate users. Conversely, a functional but unattractive app (UX without strong UI) fails to captivate attention. Striking the perfect balance is crucial. When you outsource mobile app development, you want to consider both skill sets when choosing the right-fit partner. 

The benefits of exceptional UX/UI are undeniable:

  • Increased user engagement and retention: Users stay longer and return more often when the app is intuitive and enjoyable.
  • Improved brand image and reputation: A well-designed app reflects positively on your brand, fostering trust and loyalty. The right app developer will understand your needs in this area. 
  • Enhanced conversion rates: Streamlined user journeys and clear calls to action drive desired user behavior.
  • Reduced mobile app development costs: Intuitive design minimizes the need for user support and rework, saving time and resources.

Investing in robust UX/UI design is not just an aesthetic endeavor; it's a strategic investment in your app's success. By prioritizing user needs and fostering intuitive interactions, you unlock a world of benefits that propel your app forward in the competitive mobile arena. 

Outsourcing benefit: Tap experienced UI/UX best practices and problem-solving that you may not have on your internal team. Enable simplicity, clarity and efficiency in user interaction that drives user adoption or enhanced employee productivity. Choosing to outsource mobile app development can let you leverage greater design skills without needing to invest in hiring costly full-time designers. 

2. Back-End Integration

The primary gain for investing in a mobile app is the data that can be collected and shared. For instance, enterprise mobile apps that help employees get their work done can also deliver systemic workflows and monitor employee performance issues.

Mobile apps are rarely standalone entities. Most apps pull data from backend systems and communicate with other core business functions. That’s the power of back-end integration; the strength of it enables the actions on the front end: 

  1. Powering Core Features: From user authentication and data storage to real-time updates and push notifications, the back end handles the heavy lifting, enabling your app's core features to function smoothly.
  2. Ensuring Security and Scalability: Robust back-end integration safeguards sensitive user data and ensures your app can handle growing user numbers without performance dips.
  3. Delivering a Seamless Experience: An invisible yet vital bridge, the back end connects your app with external services and databases, ensuring a data-driven and responsive user experience.
  4. Enabling Personalization: By integrating user data with the back end, you can personalize content, recommendations, and experiences, fostering deeper user engagement.
  5. Facilitating Future Expansions: A well-designed back end lays the foundation for future feature additions and platform integrations, keeping your app adaptable and competitive.

Remember, a polished front end is only half the story. For a truly successful mobile app, seamless back-end integration is the unseen force delivering power, security, and a delightful user experience.

Outsourcing Benefit: Gain expertise in point-to-point, multipoint, and enterprise business services for mobile app integration. Overcome challenges in legacy integrations, reduce costs, conduct proper testing, and simplify integration complexities by outsourcing mobile app development.

3. Mobile App Security

Security and privacy are critical components of mobile app development; avoiding corporate data breaches is paramount. When planning to outsource app development, be sure to ask about cybersecurity best practices, including data storage and access, server-side mechanisms and controls, and cryptography. With outsourcing app development, you spread the risk, leveraging the partner's experience and expertise to navigate potential pitfalls. Additionally, reputable outsourcing partners offer data security and intellectual property protection measures, mitigating potential risks associated with sensitive information and proprietary functionalities.

Outsourcing Benefit: Gain professional expertise in all areas of mobile app security that you may not have in-house: corporate authentication, DAR encryption, self-updating apps, run time integrity, app expiration, crash log reporting, data wipe, mobile app VP, and more. When you outsource app development, you're able to leverage outside expertise and knowledge about security topics you may not even considered. 

4. Responsive vs. Native vs. Progressive Apps

A conflict that many mobile app developers have is choosing between responsive and native apps. What is the best choice when you decide to outsource app development?

Responsive apps are easier to develop as they closely resemble web design and development. The time and money saved in development come at a cost; these apps require network connectivity, and turning your website into a mobile app may be no small feat. Think websites that transform effortlessly from desktop to mobile, offering an optimized user experience regardless of how you access them. This flexibility eliminates the need for separate native apps, making them cost-effective and accessible to a wider audience. Still, they may have limitations in advanced features compared to their native counterparts.

Native apps feature a better and more efficient user experience. They are more tightly integrated with the back end. Native apps are designed specifically for the iOS or Android platform, which makes them more complex. Compatibility issues are a given. They're downloaded and installed directly on your device, granting them access to features like GPS, camera, and offline functionality. Unlike websites, they offer a seamless, app-like experience optimized for your device's capabilities, often resulting in superior performance and deeper user engagement.

Another option, progressive apps, have picked up popularity since they don’t require the user to install an app off the app store and are built on universal standards like HTML5. They also work well on unstable or poor network connections, but much like responsive apps, they always require some type of internet connection. 

Progressive web apps boast several advantages that make them attractive alternatives to native apps:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: Run on any device with a modern browser, eliminating the need for separate development for different platforms.
  • Discoverable through search engines: Appearing in search results like websites improves app visibility and organic user acquisition.
  • No app store fees: No need to pay store listing fees like those on Google Play or the App Store.
  • Easy installation: Users can "install" them onto their home screen with a single tap, creating an app-like experience without app store downloads.
  • Offline functionality: Thanks to cached data and service workers, this can function even without an internet connection. 
  • Push notifications: This can send users updates and alerts like native apps.

Companies can leverage progressive web apps to:

  • Reach wider audiences: Target users across various devices and platforms without native app development complexities.
  • Lower development costs: Compared to native apps, PWAs often require less development time and resources.
  • Improved engagement: PWAs offer an app-like experience, potentially leading to higher user engagement and retention.
  • Faster loading times: Offline capabilities and cached data ensure swift performance even on unstable internet connections.

It's important to remember that progressive web applications might not offer the full functionality of native apps due to platform limitations. User adoption may be lower compared to apps found in well-established app stores. Of course, security considerations remain crucial, and robust measures are needed to protect user data.

Overall, progressive web apps offer a compelling option for businesses seeking to expand their reach, improve user experience, and potentially lower app development costs. 

Outsourcing Benefit: Gain insights from teams with broad experience and development exposure in responsive, native, and progressive mobile apps. Your internal team may not have this experience or exposure to multiple solutions, so outsourcing app development could be the answer.

5. Mobile Platform Compatibility

iOS or Android? Platform compatibility is an important factor to consider in your mobile app development. Thanks to fragmentation and manufacturer optimization, Andr˚oid can be especially problematic, not to mention potentially more expensive. Yet, iOS suffers from tight controls over how apps may function on the device. 

Choosing the right platform for your mobile app is crucial, and both iOS and Android boast unique advantages and disadvantages. Here's a quick rundown of what you should consider when you decide to outsource app development:

iOS App Store:


  • Premium user base: Higher spending power and app engagement rates.
  • Stricter app store: Ensures higher quality and security standards.
  • Smooth ecosystem: Seamless integration with other Apple products.
  • Faster updates: Timely iOS rollouts ensure consistent user experience.


  • Limited customization: Stricter design and functionality guidelines.
  • Higher development cost: Requires additional investment for Apple-specific tools and expertise when you outsource app development.
  • Smaller user base: Reaches fewer users compared to Android's global reach.

Android Google Play Store:


  • Wider reach: Captures a larger and more diverse user base.
  • Open ecosystem: Allows greater customization and flexibility.
  • Lower development cost: More open-source tools and broader developer community.
  • Hardware variety: Caters to a wider range of devices and budgets.


  • Fragmentation: Diverse devices and Android versions can lead to compatibility issues.
  • Lower quality control: App store curation might be less stringent.
  • Slower updates: Device manufacturers often delay Android rollouts.
  • Potential security risks: Openness can expose users to malware threats more readily.

Ultimately, the best platform depends on your target audience, budget, and app goals. Consider factors like user demographics, desired features, and development resources to make an informed decision.

Outsourcing Benefit: Software outsourcing companies will have experts in iOS and Android platforms and developers working in these technologies across multiple engagements, clients, and industries. They maintain continual training for their employees in the latest trends. When considering mobile app outsourcing, you need to make sure that the partner you choose is experienced in the platform or platforms you want to use. 

6. Mobile App Methodology

Most teams approach development with either an agile or waterfall methodology. Agile is a better option when time-to-market is an issue. Waterfall is the better choice for closely managing time and budget in application development. Both have benefits and constraints. 



Navigating the Development Flow: Agile vs. Waterfall in Mobile Apps

Choosing the right development methodology for project management is paramount when shaping your mobile app. Two prominent philosophies dominate the scene: the iterative and flexible Agile approach and the linear and structured Waterfall method. Understanding their core distinctions is crucial for selecting the path that best aligns with your project's unique needs when you outsource mobile app development.

Agile mobile app development thrives on adaptability and collaboration. It embraces short, iterative cycles called sprints, where small chunks of functionality are developed, tested, and refined with continuous feedback. This allows for quick course corrections and adjustments based on emerging insights and changing market demands. Agile's open communication and constant learning empower teams to respond swiftly to unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Waterfall, in contrast, adheres to a pre-defined sequential process. Requirements are meticulously documented, and each stage (from design to development to testing) follows a rigid order, with the completion of one stage acting as a gatekeeper for the next. While this approach offers predictability and clear milestones, it can struggle with adapting to evolving requirements or unforeseen roadblocks, including staff changes at your outsourcing company. Changes necessitate revisiting earlier stages, potentially leading to delays and cost overruns in mobile app development outsourcing. 

So, which path is right for you? If your application development vision is clear, stable, and well-defined, Waterfall offers structure and control. For complex, innovative, or rapidly evolving ideas, Agile provides the flexibility and adaptability to navigate uncertainty and capitalize on emerging opportunities in mobile app outsourcing. Ultimately, the ideal approach hinges on your specific project characteristics, team dynamics and risk tolerance. Consider carefully the trade-offs between predictability and adaptability to ensure your chosen methodology paves the way for a successful mobile app outsourcing journey.

Outsourcing Benefit: Work with teams who understand the advantages and disadvantages of agile vs. waterfall in mobile application development and custom software development. They’ll be able to deliver what you need via the best methodology for project management. When deciding to outsource app development, ensure that the app development company you choose is willing to work within your preferred methodology. 

Thinking About Outsourcing Mobile App Development?

Mobile application development doesn't have to be stressful or needlessly expensive. Accelerance software outsourcing advisory services ensure you can outsource app development with world-class results and lower app development costs. Contact us to connect you with the right app development company.