Rate My Agent
Ratemyagent.com.au is Australia’s #1 real estate agent ratings & statistics website.
RateMyAgent is the leading real estate agent ratings and statistics website in Australia. Launched in 2014, RateMyAgent helps home buyers find the best real estate agent by showing statistics on agents' performance in different areas.
They recognized the need for multiple MVP development teams, each led by a Senior Developer who could recruit and guide Junior Developers.Initially, the company desired to hire six developers, but as their operations expanded, the plan was to scale the team to include 20 or through the use of offshore software development.
To achieve their goals, RateMyAgent confronted several challenges.
They required an outsourcing provider capable of enhancing their existing platform and establishing a new platform for the MVP.
The technologies used in the platform included .Net, SQL, AWS, NoSQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch.
The company also aimed to leverage an improved MVP to enter the competitive US market. They faced the following challenges:
- The client's limited experience in outsourcing necessitated additional guidance to navigate the intricacies of the process.
- The need for a reliable and experienced offshore development team.
- Accelerated delivery to seize opportunities in the US market.
To overcome these challenges, RateMyAgent turned to us for guidance and support.
Our team provided Rapid Referral Services to help RateMyAgent identify and engage a proficient offshore development team.
With our assistance, a Philippines-based Accelerance Certified Partner, well-versed in their technology stack was chosen.
Here's how the solutions were implemented:
- Engaging Accelerance for Rapid Referral Services, which enabled the selection of a highly qualified Philippines-based partner.
- The partner added more people to RateMyAgent’s team to improve the existing MVP, using multiple teams and strong leadership.
- The partner offered overlapping workday time zones with the Australian-based client, facilitating seamless collaboration and communication.
With the help of outsourcing MVP development services through us, the client experienced these positive results:
- The client achieved a triumphant software launch in the US market with the power of their enhanced MVP, solidifying their position as industry leaders.
- The ongoing support and improvement of RatemyAgent's software code base by their Accelerance partner.
- Increased opportunities for growth and expansion as RatemyAgent continues to dominate the real estate industry.
RateMyAgent partners with others to give reliable feedback to buyers and sellers, making the real estate industry more trustworthy.
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